2024 Eco 360 Challenge Showcase

Transitioning to a circular economy for plastic waste.

Thank you to everyone who participated and we look forward to seeing the incredible projects students put together next year! 

People indirectly reached through student sharing

Kg of potential plastic waste diverted per year with student plans implemented

Challenge Winners

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First Place: Ms. Myers - Grades 4/5

 Hunter's Glen Junior Public School, Grade 4/5

Scarborough, Ontario

Hunter's Glen students took on the Eco 360 challenge by designing 3 unique and creative invention plans to help reduce the use of plastics and to keep plastics out of the environment. Students discussed ways in which plastic can be reused, what alternative materials should be used instead of plastic, as well as proposed policies that would reduce plastic use and waste! Their learnings were then shared with over 1000 people through their school newsletter! Check out their podcast about plastics below!

Hunter's Glen students presented their learning to their classroom as well as to their school and families to share their learning! 
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Second Place: Miss McCallion - Science, Math and Family Life (Environmental Studies)

 St. Thomas More School, Grade 4

Mississauga, Ontario

Students from St. Thomas More School designed a device created to continually go out into the ocean to collect and recycle plastic pollution. This plastic is then to be used by the LEGO ® company to replace the 100 000 tonnes of plastic that they produce to make their products. The students also advocated for the banning of single-use plastics from their school and shared their learnings with their school, friends, and family! 

St. Thomas More School students' nurdle catcher!
St. Thomas More School students in front of their knowledge-sharing bulletin board!
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Third Place: Ms. Keen - Grade 5/6 Class

 Metis Beach School, Grades 5/6

Metis sur Mer, Quebec

Students from Metis Beach School created three devices to reduce plastic waste, including a beach filter, gaming station, and a super seller! The students showcased each invention and shared their learning through video presentations!

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Eco 360 In Action

Celebrating the many different ways learners and educators from across Canada were engaged in creating a circular economy for plastics through GreenLearning's Eco 360 Program

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Learners Participated in a Classroom Workshop or Event

Educators Participated in Professional Development

Student and Teacher Sessions Delivered 

Interactive, Virtual Learning

GreenLearning facilitated curriculum-connected classroom workshops that engaged and inspired students from across the world to think creatively about creating a circular economy for plastic waste. Click below to watch (or bookmark) a watch a video where we highlighted the Eco 360 program in partnership with Centre for Global Education

The Eco 360 Challenge is made possible by the generous support of our funder:

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