Take the Climate Policy Quest Challenge by leading your learners through a climate change and policy inquiry, and encouraging them to develop their own climate policy proposal.
Age Range Grade 9-12
Time Commitment 15-20 hours
Subjects Science, Social Studies, Languages
Review the challenge package and register your learners
Download and review the Climate Policy Quest Challenge Package below, which contains the challenge instructions, selection criteria, and final reflection questions. Please use the links below to access the 2025 Challenge Package.
Once you have reviewed the package, register your learners for the 2024/25 challenge! The deadline to register and submit is May 9th, 2025.
Use the Educator Resource to help structure your approach to the above learning activities and guide your way through the challenge.
Create a new climate policy!
The policy can be written or presented in any format you choose. This climate policy should highlight innovative strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability, with the aim of helping to meet 2050 climate targets around the world.
Share with your community
Share a picture and/or video of your final climate policy project and post it on your social media. Don’t forget to tag us @GreenLearning
Submit your challenge for a chance to win!
Submissions will be reviewed by our panel of industry experts, and the submissions that demonstrate the highest potential for impact will be selected as the winners! The deadline to submit is May 9, 2025 at 11:59pmPacific Time.
The grand prize for the winning class is $1,000, the second prize is $500 and the third prize is $250!
Submissions will be reviewed by our panel of industry experts. The deadline to submit is May 9, 2025 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.