Electrifying the Future of Transportation: Resources

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An Introduction to "Electrifying the Future of Transportation"

This pilot project offered high school students and educators in Calgary, Alberta, the opportunity to convert two internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EV) and install an electric vehicle charging station. We also worked with post-secondary institutions to determine opportunities for expanding learning at this level and ways to connect high school and post-secondary learning for the needs of future careers to support the EV transition.

The intention behind this pilot was to explore the connection between current automotive education in Alberta with novel, in-demand automotive skills needed to support the growing trends in electric vehicles. With the results of this pilot and by sharing our findings and experience we intend to help other organizations keep pace with this transition toward the electrification of transportation.

A Guide to Electrifying the Future

The purpose of this guide is to help
other organizations, schools and groups interested in electric vehicles,
conversions, and EV infrastructure bring similar opportunities to their
community. We’ve done our best to
ensure this resource shares our
experience and suggestions as you
evaluate starting off on an electric
project of your own.
Check out what we've been working on over the 2023/2024 school year with the Charging Ahead Appendix!

Motor Controller Simulator

In this digital simulator, you will embark on an exciting journey to explore the inner workings of the electrical system in an EV. Throughout this process, you will be learning about the different components that power the vehicle and how they are connected.

A big thank-you to our partners at UCalgary's Team Relectric for lending their expertise in the development of this simulator!

SAIT Capstone Presentations

Check out these informative EV presentations developed by students at the Southern Alberta Institute for Technology (SAIT)!

Our partners at SAIT provided guidance and expertise throughout this pilot project, and this connection has shown us the potential for EV learning in the post-secondary field.

Learning Outcomes

By exploring these resource, learners will:
  • Understand GreenLearning's insights into an electrification project in Calgary

Understand the key concepts we took to:
  • Convert an ICE vehicle into an electric vehicle in a high school setting 
  • Install an EV charging station at a public high school

  • Connect you with learning resources and tools we've developed along the way

Grade Level 

Grades 9 - 12