What is a Circular Economy?

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, learners will:
  • Understand circular economy
  • Contrast circular economy with our current linear economy
  • Understand the problem of waste in our current linear economy and its repercussions
  • Understand how a circular economy provides a viable alternative to the problem of waste

Curriculum Connections

Chemistry 30 Unit C: Chemical Changes of Organic Compounds
  • 30-C2.3sts explain how science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment
Social 10-1
  • 3.2 - Recognize and appreciate impacts of globalization on the interdependent relationships among people, the economy and the environment
Grade 9 Unit C: Environmental Chemistry 
  • 3 - Analyze and evaluate mechanisms affecting the distribution of potentially harmful substances within an environment
Grade 9 Chemistry (C1.2)
Grade 9 Biology (B1.2)
Grade 9 Geography
  • B1. The Physical Environment and Human Activities: analyse various interactions between physical processes, phenomena, and events and human activities in Canada.
  • C1. The Sustainability of Resources: analyse impacts of resource policy, resource management, and consumer choices on resource sustainability in Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)

Length of Activity

30 - 45 minutes

Materials List

  • Internet-enabled device
  • Topic backgrounder Eco 360 notebook (we recommend asking learners to maintain a notebook for this program to write down reflections as they go through the program)
  • Circular vs. Linear Economy Worksheet

Online Lesson Format