COP28: The Cradle of life
The Cradle of life The ocean is where life began and were it most of it is and we need to protect it as all cost, we need to save the animals that cannot save themselves from the climate disaster that we created Created by: JS

COP28: climate change is real
climate change is real this ecard reflects the importance of climate education and how it is important to act now. Created by: Amparo

COP28: Look around
Look around We are distracted and can’t see the grave danger that lies ahead. Created by: Momin W.

COP28: Vehicle Pollution
Vehicle Pollution Stop vehicle pollution because it is killing the environment and people Created by: LB

COP28: Two Futures
Two Futures We have two futures but only one chance. There is only one Earth. Let’s take care of it. Created by: Bridie M.

COP28: We Are Green
We are green Created by: ARAG

COP28: Make A Change
COP28: Make A Change Climate Change is our reality. We can make a difference. Do you want to see the world go up in smoke? Our voices have an impact and deserve to be heard. Our futures deserve a chance. Created by: Bridie M.

COP28: Our Earth is Angry
Our Earth is Angry Mother Earth has no choice but to fight back at the way she has been abused. She is angry. She is fierce. We must earn her love and trust back...together. Created by: Kristi

COP28: Best way to help the climate crisis!
Best way to help the climate crisis! Using transport other than cars can help fix the climate crisis by emitting less carbon into our atmosphere. Biking is a great way to stay active and save our planet! Created by: Erin

COP28: There’s not planet B
There’s not planet B There’s not planet b Created by: Thomas

COP28: First Fire
First Fire Stop climate change and save some trees from burning. Beware about climate change, help trees, prevent wild fires Created by: William

COP28: Burning
This earth is burning on fire like me Created by: Sophie M.

COP28: We are the ones to stop climate change
COP28: We are the ones to stop climate change The resilient people of the Caribbean hold the power to combat climate change in their region. Through community-driven initiatives, sustainable practices, and raising awareness, they can protect their islands from environmental threats. Empowered communities are the force needed to create lasting positive change and preserve the Caribbean's natural beauty. Created by: J.S.

COP28: Renewable Energy Sources in Egypt
Renewable Energy Sources in Egypt Dear Minister, The Earth is getting worse day by day due to our decisions, and one thing to think about is energy. Producing energy from natural resources like sunlight and wind would be much more sustainable than burning fossil fuels, as they cause air pollution. Please do consider implementing more renewable energy sources. Best regards, Created by: Judy A.

COP28: Local Student's Concern about Lack of Climate Education
Local Student's Concern about Lack of Climate Education There's a serious lack of education when it comes to climate change. The youth of today are the future, and so education is really important because we need to be educated on what's going on today and what's going to happen if we do nothing about it. Because it's our job to fix it before it's too late. Created by: Sara

COP28: Student Concern:Environmental education
Student Concern: Environmental education Adolescents have few and clear ideas about the current problems facing the environment. When it comes to environmental issues, they even think it is boring. I think we can find an interesting way for them to form the awareness of protecting the environment and integrate it into their lives. Best Wishes Created by: Shunshun Y.

COP28: We Are The Future
We Are The Future We are the future of this world and without the ability to make that change we need to the future will be doomed. If the future generations are led blindly to their doom they will never escape the labyrinth of their demise. The hubris of our leaders will lead us to an inevitable fate. We have flown too close to the sun and without the wings of our youth we will never be able to fly again. There is no water to break our fall and no safe return to the cliff from which we took flight. The kids of today will one day lead and their voices must be hear because they are smart, they are strong and they are our future. And without them, there is nothing. We Are. Created by: Benjamin S

COP28: Learning and teaching about the environment
Learning and teaching about the environment It is very important that in schools, for example, children are taught about the consequences that could happen in the future if our world is not well looked after. In these teachings, children must also be shown how to avoid climate threats and guarantee a future for this generation. At my school in Brazil (Colégio Magno) we have a lot of sustainable education, which aims to introduce various sustainable practices into our school environment, as well as showing students the importance of this at all times. Created by: Beatriz

COP28: There is no second earth
We as a society have to realise that there is no second chance and that there is a point from where there is no return. And that point is closer than we could imagine, soon we may never be able to return to the way we were and our planet will be doomed forever. Only by educating and listening to the youth can this future be prevented. Created by: Kentaro S.

COP28: stop and talk
stop and talk In Australia many of our population have been afraid of talking about climate change or out right ignoring concerns. For example in The Australian bush fires, Our Prime Minster at the time fled to Hawaii for a holiday while the east coast of Australia was in flames. Australia's hesitancy to do anything about climate change has shown due to them not following the Paris accords so far. Not investing in climate education, and many more. Can you show us what you're doing? We want you to show us or tell us something. Created by: Sam

COP28: 1 chance
1 chance Take action now Created by: Thomas

COP28: Destroyed
Destroyed This is an image made by AI but its a reality that is happening. We need to act now, our animals are paying the consequences Created by: Maya P.

COP28: Our Planet, Our Earth
Our Planet, Our Earth We only have one planet, and it is up to us to take care of it. All of the children in this generation, and those of future generations deserve to live in the same conditions as our parents once did, without fear of what will happen in the future if we don't take care of our planet Earth. We deserve to wake up and not fear tomorrow. Created by: BM

COP28: My climate
My climate I am part of Decarbonize and I would like to make a difference by having done this [attend COP28]. Created by: Andriambololona

COP28: Unity
Unity Unity through all diverse situations will help us conquer our goal and take climate action as one and protect our future generation from the harmful effect of climate change. Created by: Ashritha.R.P

COP28: Sustainability
Sustainability My message is to be a part of the solution and that it depends on us know to make a difference, the world is in our hands. Created by: LB *editor's note: Text & Image changed for spelling ("apart" to "a part")

COP28: "Cool with the carpool"
"Cool with the carpool" By sharing rides with others, we can reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions and save money on fuel. Let's spread the word and encourage more people to carpool! Created by: Akvile *editor's note: image edited to remove license plate