2022 Energy Revealed Challenge Showcase
The Energy Revealed Challenge
Challenge Winners
First Place $1,000
Chris Hadfield Public School, Grades K-8Milton, Ontario

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While their school nearly doubled in size and added 10 portables since last year, they were still able to conserve an impressive 16% of their energy on the day of the event compared to the average school day. This translates to almost 4 bags of trash, over 10,600 smartphones charged and almost one and a half trees absorbing carbon for an entire year!
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Second Place $500
Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Grades 9-12Waterloo, Ontario
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- All speakers are turned off and unplugged
- Unmounted projectors are unplugged
- Any chargers unplugged
- All lights are off
- The thermostat is clear of obstructions and turned down
- Blinds are closed
- If you use power bars, ensure they are turned off and unplugged
- Space heaters are turned off and unplugged
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Reflecting on their experience participating in the Energy Revealed Challenge, one member of the WCI EcoClub said:
Third Place $250
Renert School, Grades 4-6Calgary, Alberta
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- Students completed an electricity survey titled What electricity have you used today? in their homerooms.
- Each homeroom elected an ENERGETIC Representative as their classroom lead for the event.
- Students attended an Earth Hour presentation by the Eco-Team to learn all about electricity.
- Homerooms then completed a classroom energy audit using handheld watt meters.
- Students completed a series of worksheets and puzzles as they explored electricity around their classroom and returned them to the Eco-Team for evaluation.

"It’s important to conserve energy because it costs less and it saves resources - this impacts our very future! It's so easy to just keep our lights off or keep the school cooler - why wouldn’t we do it?" - Davis M.
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Honorable Mention
Port Elgin Regional School, Grades K-8Port Elgin, New Brunswick
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Promoting their event throughout the school, Mya and Roxanne encourages classes to head outside for the event and go tech-free for an Hour No Power. During the event, they turned off all the school lights and computers and unplugged any devices not being used. With all of their actions, they estimate they conserved over 1 kWh of energy, which is equivalent to over 260g of greenhouse gas emissions conserved.
The biggest take-away from the students at Port Elgin was to unplug devices they aren't using!
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Energy Revealed In Action
Celebrating the many different ways learners and educators from across Canada were engaged in energy efficiency and energy conservation through GreenLearning's Energy Revealed Program.
Turning Students Into Energy Managers: A Guided Learning Experience
This free learning series is based on GreenLearning’s award winning program Energy Revealed. Including a 45 minute pre-recorded professional development webinar, a live, virtual classroom workshop to kick off learning and an energy kit complete with 5 watt meters, energy saving stickers and an energy activities binder, this free series is designed to give educators the knowledge, resources and materials needed to engage their students in using real-time energy data to make a positive environmental impact. We had over 85 educators and 2,800 students register to participate in the series this school year.
This opportunity was available for grade 4-12 educators and eco-clubs in select Ontario and Alberta communities.
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Speak For The Trees & Get Outside
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Grade 12 Participant from the Alberta Youth Council For Environmental Education
Mme Armstrong, Grades 5/6, Ontario
Bargaining Over Classroom Energy Savings

Making Energy Visible with Hands-On Learning
Pictured on the right: Alex Xanthoudakis, GreenLearning's Digital Media Specialist, using a watt meter to measure the power needed to run a laptop. She then demonstrated for the students at Collingwood School's Sustainability Fair how GreenLearning's Energy Calculators can be used to discover the electricity cost and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their electricity use.
Alex Xanthoudakis demonstrating a watt meter and the Energy Revealed Calculators at the Collingwood Sustainability Fair.
Empowering Educators To Tackle Energy Education
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