Climate Change in Sudbury & Area
Climate Change Where I Live
- Ice Cover on the Great Lakes and Climate Change: Understanding the major effect of ice on the Great Lakes is crucial because it impacts a range of societal benefits provided by the lakes, from hydropower generation to commercial shipping to the fishing industry. The amount of ice cover varies from year to year, as well as how long it remains on the lakes. Climate change is affecting and will affect ice cover. This site provides a number of ice cover maps and atlases that show changes over periods of time. What trends do you see? Can you correlate these maps to your experience (the winter of 2014 and 2015 was very cold, while the winter of 2015 and 2016 was affected by El Nino)?
- Climate Change Adaptation in the City of Greater Sudbury: This case study describes the some of the possible changes to the climate in the Sudbury area and possible measures to adapt to these changes.
- Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region — Impacts on Ontario Communities and Ecosystems: A great factsheet that is a summary of a comprehensive report of the same name, listed below.
- Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region: The full report of the above factsheet. It is long and detailed but by using the Table of Contents you can easily find lots of great information for conducting your Inquiry.
- Nickel District Resources on Climate Change: This documents lists many resources on climate change including several Sudbury-local.
- The EarthCare Sudbury Action Plan—Energy: A plan to reduce energy consumption, use more renewable sources of energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- The EarthCare Sudbury Action Plan—Food: Sudbury’s plan for an economically viable and ecologically sustainable local food system.
- The EarthCare Sudbury Action Plan—Transportation: A plan for the community-wide shift towards low impact and low carbon methods of transportation.
- The EarthCare Sudbury Action Plan—Green Buildings: - Sudbury’s Hot Weather Response Plan: How climate change can impact our health, and how to prepare.
Some organizations you might want to contact in conducting your inquiry and finding out about environmental action in Sudbury:
- Rethink Green
- Conservation Sudbury: Our main goal is to ensure healthy interaction between the watersheds, the natural environment and the local economy. Our area of jurisdiction includes the watersheds of the Wanapitei, Vermilion and Whitefish Rivers. We provide important conservation services primarily within the City of Greater Sudbury in a total watershed area of approximately 9,150 square kilometres: - Greater Sudbury Climate Change Consortium — lots of organizations and information:
creates free education programs about energy, climate change and green
economy that engage and empower students to create positive change.
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