Build an Electric Vehicle Model

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, learners will:
  • Enhance their STEM skills by designing and building a model of an electric vehicle
  • Develop their understanding within the Electric Vehicle Unit of the Re-Energy Program

Grade Level

Science 9: Electrical Principles and Technologies
Science 10: Energy Flow in Technological Systems
Science 14: Understanding Energy Transfer Technologies
Science 24: Understanding Common Energy Conversion systems
Science 30: Energy and the Environment (D1.4, D1.5k, D1.3s, D2.3k, D2.4k, D2.1sts, D2.3s, D2.4s)


Science & Technology 6: Electricity and Electrical Devices (1.1)
Science & Technology 7: Heat in the Environment (1.2)
Science 9: The Characteristics of Electricity (Academic) (E1.2 ) Electrical Applications (Applied) (E1.1)

Length of Activity

1 - 2 hours

Materials List

  • Materials and tools outlined in the construction plan

Online Lesson Format